MAP: The Most Popular Candy In Every Country

Holidays abroad are a chance to experience everything a country has to offer: its attractions, its culture, its people…and its candy (or ‘sweets’ depending where you come from). Keen to meet all family travel needs, FamilyBreakFinder have researched the most popular chocolate bars, candy and gum across the world. Despite the huge diversity of brands on this map, the majority of these confectioneries are owned by one of the market’s corporate giants such as Nestlé, Mondalez, Mars or Ferrero.

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Copyright: You are free to reuse, share or adapt this map providing you credit

Note: this map isn’t comprehensive or perfect. We researched all countries where data was available (80 countries). Sources used include global market research company Euromonitor and corporate websites. Sometimes only the name of the overarching candy brand, such as Cadbury or Milka, was provided and not a specific product name. Sometimes there were discrepancies between different sources over which was the best seller. Where no sales data was available available whatsoever – such as in North Korea and Myanmar – we have used news media sources like BBC, CNN and Yahoo, where best-selling confectionery has been reported on. In the case of North Korea, Choco Pie is an illicit marshmellow biscuit smuggled from South Korea [Source]. Despite being banned in 2014, it is thought to be widely available and – due to its superior quality to rival local products – the most popular confectionery product.

In summary: this map gives a broad idea of popular brands across the world but may contain some inaccuracies. If you think you have found a better source, feel free to contact us with details and we’ll be happy to update the map.

Updated: 18 October 2016

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Map Data Sources

Most popular candy: Algeria Ferrero Duplo EuroMonitor / Argentina TopLine Gum Wikipedia / Australia Dairy Milk Wikipedia / Austria Milka EuroMonitor / Azerbaijan Alpen Gold EuroMonitor / Belarus Kommunarka EuroMonitor / Belgium Cote D’Or Mental Floss / Belgium Milka EuroMonitor / Bolivia Topline EuroMonitor / Brazil Lacta Mental Floss / Bulgaria Milka EuroMonitor / Burma Lotte Pepero BBC / Cameroon Mambo EuroMonitor / Canada Kit Kat Mental Floss/ Chile Ambrosoli Mental Floss / China Dove Mental Floss / Columbia Jet Wikipedia / Costa Rica Gallito EuroMonitor / Croatia Kraš EuroMonitor / Czech Republic Orion EuroMonitor / Denmark Haribo Mental Floss / Dominican Republic Hersheys EuroMonitor / Egypt Chiclets EuroMonitor / Ecuador Crunch EuroMonitor / Estonia Kalev EuroMonitor / Finland Fazer Blue EuroMonitor / France Hollywood Wikipedia / Germany Milka Mental Floss / Georgia Barambo EuroMonitor / Greece Ion Cocoa EuroMonitor / Guatemala Granada EuroMonitor / Hungary Milka EuroMonitor / Iceland Price Polo Mental Floss / India Dairy Milk Mental Floss / Indonesia Silver Queen Complex / Iran Hit Wafer EuroMonitor / Ireland Dairy Milk ESM / Israel Elite Mental Floss / Italy Vivident Gum Wikipedia / Japan Meiji Yahoo Finance / Kazakhstan Rakhat EuroMonitor / Kenya Cadbury Fudge EuroMonitor / Latvia Laima EuroMonitor / Lithuania Milka EuroMonitor / Macedonia Bronhi EuroMonitor / Malaysia Boomer EuroMonitor / Mexico Trident Yahoo Finance / Netherlands M&Ms Mars / New Zealand Moro NZ Herald / Nigeria Mars EuroMonitor / North Korea Choco Pie CNN / Norway Freia Melkjokelade Wikipedia / Pakistan Sooper Campaign Asia / Peru Sublime Nestle / Poland Ptasie Mleczko Mental Floss / Philippines Cloud 9 EuroMonitor / Poland Prince Polo Complex / Portugal Penha EuroMonitor / Romania Orbit EuroMonitor / Russia Alpen Gold Mental Floss / Saudi Arabia Galaxy Mental Floss / Serbia Milka EuroMonitor / Singapore Kinder Joy EuroMonitor / Slovenia Milka EuroMonitor / Slovakia Orion EuroMonitor / South Africa Cadbury Lunch Bar EuroMonitor / South Korea Ghana EuroMonitor / Spain Valor Valor corporate / Sweden Cloetta Kex Choklad EuroMonitor / Switzerland Frey EuroMonitor / Thailand KitKat Mental Floss / Turkey Ülker Mental Floss / UAE Mars EuroMonitor / UK Dairy Milk Mental Floss / Ukraine Kyiv Vechirniy EuroMonitor / Uruguay Garoto EuroMonitor / Uzbekistan Assorti EuroMonitor / USA M&Ms Mental Floss / Venezuela Savoy EuroMonitor / Vietnam Wrigley’s Doublemint EuroMonitor